Antonio vivaldi biography
Antonio vivaldi biography

antonio vivaldi biography

In 1705 the first collection ( raccolta) of his works was published. Shortly after his appointment, the orphans began to gain appreciation and esteem abroad too Vivaldi wrote for them most of his concertos, cantatas, and sacred music. Not long after, in 1704, he was given a dispensation from celebrating the Holy Mass because of his ill-health (he apparently suffered from asthma), and became a violin teacher at an orphanage for girls called the Pio Ospedale della Pietà in Venice. In 1703 Vivaldi became a priest, soon nicknamed Il Prete Rosso, 'The Red Priest', probably because of his red hair. His father, a barber and a talented violinist himself (some have said he was a virtuoso), had helped him in trying a career in music and made him enter the Cappella di San Marco orchestra, where he was an appreciated violinist. Antonio Vivaldi (March 4, 1678, Venice – July 28, 1741, Vienna), nicknamed Il Prete Rosso, meaning 'The Red Priest,' was an Italian priest and baroque music composer.

Antonio vivaldi biography